Commission Manager Pro
Plugin Screenshots Why do you need this plugin? Commission Manager Pro is a plugin designed to enhance the functionality of your e-commerce websites by providing the ability to implement an …
EDD Product Versions
What is this Plugin all About? EDD Product Versions enables product versioning for all of your products and allows you to (1) generate additional revenues from selling updated download versions …
EDD Requests Plugin
This plugin helps you to trigger more engagement with your visitors by offering them a contact button on the download product and author page where they can quickly submit requests for assistance and upload attachments. Requests are added on tracking lists in the vendor and admin dashboards to ensure systematic follow-ups.
PayPal Adaptive Payments
PayPal Adaptive Payments Plugin works best with EDD Frontend Submissions and Commissions extensions in operating your Digital Product Marketplace. This works by automating your vendor commissions by instantly and automatically splitting third-party commission up to 6 receivers. This way, it will save you a lot of time in manually paying vendor commissions.