Paid Ads
Here are Plugins & Snippets collection of downloads with regard to Paid Ads. Check each product below and you might find plugins that would help to optimize sales conversion and enhance performance of your Easy Digital Downloads Digital Product Webstores.
Paid advertising is any kind of advertising that you have to pay for, versus owned or earned advertising.
With paid advertising, marketers pay the owner of ad space in exchange for use of that space. The price paid for the ad space is often settled through a bidding process between marketers and the ad space owner.
There are several categories, including pay-per-click (PPC), pay-per-impression (PPI), and display ads.
Source: TrackMaven
With paid advertising, marketers pay the owner of ad space in exchange for use of that space. The price paid for the ad space is often settled through a bidding process between marketers and the ad space owner.
There are several categories, including pay-per-click (PPC), pay-per-impression (PPI), and display ads.
Source: TrackMaven