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There are multiple locations on your website that Upsells can be added simply to increase the chances of getting more sales. These are:

  • Product Page
  • Cart Page
  • Checkout Page
  • Purchase Receipt Page
  • Pages with sidebars (via Upsell Widget)
  • Any page/post (via Shortcode or Gutenberg Block)

Here we will teach you how to enable Upsells on each page:

Product Page, Checkout Page, Purchase Receipt Page

You can enable Upsells on these pages by first visiting the Settings Page then check each Upsell Location if Upsells are enabled.

Pages with sidebars (via Upsell Widget)

For the widget, you can click on the Widget bar and click on “UpsellMaster” to be redirected to the Widget page.

You can simply choose which Sidebar to add Upsells, most preferably the Main Sidebar and the Single Product Page Sidebar. Add the sidebar, customize and save.

Any page/post via Shortcode

With Shortcodes, you can basically show a list or carousel of Upsells Products on all types of pages. Just simply copy the base shortcode and customize it using the many variables available.

Any page/post via Gutenberg Block

Our plugin is fully compatible with WordPress Gutenberg Block that we have developed our own. Just look for UpsellMaster Block, add it on any post/page, customize whatever you would like the Upsells to appear and save!

You can learn more about these features and see how it looks on your website by visiting our documentation page.