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In this documentation, we provided all the setup and installation instructions you need to do, to prepare for the Commission Manager Pro Plugin. If you haven’t acquired this plugin yet, please also visit the plugin’s download site.

A. Plugin Objectives

This plugin will basically help establish sophisticated and tiered commissions schemes to provide better vendor incentives, thus encouraging vendors to better market and sell their products.

Also, this plugin has tons of useful features like:

  • Create Unlimited Commission Rules that can be applied for select Product, Author, Download Category and Tag
  • Create up to 3 Commission Tiers per Rule
  • Commission Schemes can be based on a single order value or lifetime sales value of Authors or Customers
  • Keep Track of every Commission adjusted by this plugin via the Order Log Notes
  • Supports Easy Digital Downloads and requires EDD Commission Plugin

B. Plugin Installation

* Install and Activate Easy Digital Downloads and EDD Commission Plugin on your WordPress website

In order to use our plugin, you must first acquire a copy of Easy Digital Downloads and EDD Commission Plugin. Install and Active on your website. 

* Install and Activate Commission Manager Pro on your WordPress website

Make sure to purchase our plugin, get the plugin zip file, and either install in via FTP or upload via WordPress website. Activate it afterwards.

C. Creating Commission Rule

After installing the plugin, now we are ready to create the first Commission Rule! Simply go to Commission Manager Pro > New Rule, then provide the needed information for the rule.

  • Rule Name – specify a name for the rule.
  • Priority (#) – this determine the order of priorities that the plugin will follow when calculating commissions. The lower the number, the first priority will be given.
  • Status – specify whether the rule would be enabled or disabled.
  • Description – provide a text description that describes this rule.
  • Calculation Basis – always follow the Order Amount(s).
  • Order Value – this determine if the Order Value calculation would be either (Per Order Item, or Lifetime Value).
  • Commission Type – this determine the type of commission to be used on the rule, either (% Relative to Order Value, or Fixed $ Amount).
  • Customers – this setting applies only for if the Order Value calculation is set as Lifetime Value. In this setting, you can specify whether the lifetime value will be calculated, either (Per Customer, or All Customer).
  • Commission Tiers – set a maximum of 3 tiers per commission rule. Basically, you need to specify the Minimum to Maximum Order Value, and the corresponding Commission Rate, once the Order Value has been met.
  • Filters – as mentioned above, you can apply filters for the Commission Rule, such as (Product, Product Author, Download Category, and Download Tag).

D. Commission Rules List

After creating the rule, it will be listed down on the Rules page, showing all existing rules created.

This page also shows important information regarding the rule so you can quickly check, such as:

  • Rule Name
  • Status
  • Basis
  • Type
  • Rate Type
  • Priority #
  • Tiers, including the rate and min-max order value
  • Last Updated

E. Settings

The plugin also provides a couple of settings to configure the plugin depending on your preference.

  • Overlapping Tiers – If checked, you can create Commission Tiers which Min and Max Over Values are overlapping with each other. If not checked, you can’t create overlapping order values.
  • Matching Author and Commission Recipients – If checked, the Commission Rules will only apply if the Author and Commission Recipient of the Product is the same person.
  • Clear Data on Uninstall – If checked, all plugin data will be removed from the database upon plugin uninstallation.

F. Screenshots

If you face any problem installing and bringing this plugin to work, please contact us via support and we will get back to you within 24 hours.