- Makes it easy to contact Vendors
- Adds contact buttons on Product, Author, and Purchase Receipt Pages
- Triggers leads and engagements
- Makes it easy to submit Requests and Feedback
- Option to ask for Budgets
- Seamless Email Account Integration
- Customer Requests Page for monitoring requests sent
- All Emails are fully customizable
- Integrated with Easy Digital Downloads – MailChimp, Frontend Submissions Plugin (FES), and EDD Social Login plugin

Plugin Purpose
You might have tons of products and product vendors on your Digital Downloads Marketplace, where usually, customers do have some inquiries or feedback they want to communicate with your product vendors as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, most of them are having a hard time to quickly contact your vendors right on the product page or even the author’s page itself.
You need a plugin that collects leads systematically and sells services on top of your products. Now save your customer’s time by placing a button right on the Product, Author, and Purchase Receipt Pages with this EDD Requests Plugin.
You will also obtain tons of customizable emails and a lot of plugin options and configurations to properly and efficiently serve your customer feedback and requests.
Explanatory Video
Plugin Features
1 Contact Button on the Product, Author, and Purchase Receipt Pages
Make it easy for your customers to contact product vendors by placing a contact button right on the Product, Author, and Purchase Receipts Pages.
Contact Button on the Author Page
Adding a Vendor Contact Button on the Author Profile Page enhances accessibility and facilitates seamless communication between authors and potential customers.

To show the same on the author page, you need to add the shortcode [ edd_requests_vendor_contact_button ] on that page.
Contact Button on the Product Page
Adding a Vendor Contact Button on the Product Page is crucial for enhancing customer experience and facilitating efficient communication, enabling potential buyers to easily reach out to the vendor for inquiries, leading to increased trust and potentially higher conversion rates.

In order to do this, you need to place the plugin request widget on the download sidebar so it will show up on your product pages.
Contact Button on the Purchase Receipt Page
Adding a Vendor Contact Button on the Purchase Receipt Page is crucial for streamlined communication, enhancing efficiency in addressing any queries or concerns related to the purchase transaction.

2 Vendor Contact Form Popup

Clicking on the contact button opens a popup window where – after login or registration – the customer can submit two types of requests to the author.
- Request Assistance: Choosing this Case Type will let the customer submit requests for product support or assistance.
- Report an Issue/Bug: Choosing this Case Type will let the customer submit reports about a product issue or bug.
Take note that the Case Type titles can be configured and changed on the plugin settings page anytime, depending on what you think the customers primarily needs to contact you about.
Also, you can choose the default case to be shown as well as to enable/disable the budget field. This is where the customer will enter their budget in relation to the request/report submitted.
You can simply learn more by reading on the Documentation page.
3 Vendor Dashboard
Now how would your vendors manage and serve these customer requests and reports? Our plugin has a built-in Vendor Dashboard that will show up when the EDD FES Plugin is enabled on your website.
A Customer Request tab will appear along all other tabs in FES Vendor Dashboard. This tab can be used by the vendor to see the list of all requests received and to simply respond to those requests from within the dashboard.

The vendor can see here important information such as the Customer Name and Email, Case Type submitted, Budget if given, Report/Request Description, URL of the page where the request has received and the date submitted. Most importantly we have action buttons such as Reply and Attachments.
By clicking on the Reply button, it allows the vendor to directly make a reply for the report/request submitted right on the vendor dashboard. By clicking on the Attachment (s) button, the vendor can see the list of all files attached as well as the “Download All” button to quickly download all attachments.

This way, the vendors can easily take a look, managed and reply all customer reports and requests received in one screen, saving the time of visiting multiple pages just to do an action.
4 Request List (Admin View)
Not only the vendors have access to all report/requests received, but also the site admins can moderate and have a look at all the report/requests received by all vendors.
You can see this by going to Downloads > Requests Tab.

The admins can see here what vendors basically see on his/her Vendor Dashboard such as the Customer Name and Email, Vendor Name, Case Type, Budget, Description, Request Date, as well buttons for viewing the Page URL where the report/requests is received and also the Attachment (s) button. This allow site admins to have access as well to all attachments received.
5 Customer Requests Page
A Customer Requests Page is a dedicated page where customers can conveniently monitor and manage the requests they submit to vendors. They can see here important request details such as the date request is sent, request description, status, and others.

Also, it offers the added benefit of allowing customers to respond directly to the vendor right on this page, fostering quick, efficient and organized communication between customers and vendors.

6 Seamless Email Account Integration
Now, we have developed an integration of a seamless email account system within the plugin. This functionality revolutionizes communication between vendors and customers by enabling direct email exchanges while securely storing all correspondence on the server. Gone are the days of scattered communications across multiple platforms.

This centralized email system ensures that all conversations related to customer inquiries or feedback are logged and accessible within the plugin’s dashboard. This unified communication approach fosters better traceability, easy reference, and comprehensive record-keeping, enhancing transparency and accountability in customer interactions.
7 Social Login and Registration Integrations
The plugin comes with a registration process which can be very helpful to collect email addresses by naturally offering a way to engage with the authors. This plugin allows two kinds of integrations in relation to Social Login and Registration.
Login Popup Form

Registration Popup Form

Take note:
- Registration allows you to sign-up visitors as Mailchimp subscribers, adding them right on your Mailchimp Email List. This way, we can easily collect visitor’s and customer’s email addresses, which later on can be used to send appropriate and related newsletter campaigns regarding products and future updates and releases.
- Our plugin permits social logins via the EDD Social Login plugin. This enables a much quicker registration and login procedure, cutting the customer’s hassle of filling up several registration form fields. A great thing our plugin is much integrated with the EDD Social Login plugin.
8 Second Email Recipient Options for Vendors
Now, vendors can designate an additional email address to receive critical notifications and updates regarding customer inquiries or requests. With extended notification capabilities, vendors can promptly attend to customer needs and streamline their support services more effectively.

While the option for multiple email recipients enhances communication reach, it’s an optional feature rather than a core necessity, offering convenience but not essential functionality for effective request management within the system.
9 Requests Internal Notes
Site administrators can now annotate essential information, log updates, or even assign tasks within the requests. This feature streamlines workflows by allowing administrators to keep track of the progress, status, or specific actions required for each inquiry.

This functionality ensures that requests are properly managed and promptly addressed, guaranteeing optimal customer service and fulfillment. Administrators can oversee the progress of inquiries, ensuring that customers receive timely responses and are served efficiently.
10 Customizable Email Templates
This plugin also has several emails that will be sent to either the Customer or Vendor depending on the action made. These emails are fully customizable using the appropriate email template tags given.
Below are the available email templates with this plugin:

You can do this by visiting the Email Settings or just checkout the plugin’s documentation page to learn more. Take note that every admins we receive a copy of these emails, but you can always change this on this Settings page.
Why purchase this plugin now?
Overall, this is a great plugin which triggers real engagements with your customer as it makes very easy to contact vendors and have them ask their questions. We had several cases when up on fresh installs we immediately received request from customer which otherwise we would not have received. This is a definitely useful plugin if you plan to sell services on top of your products through your Easy Digital Downloads store. The plugin works for both multi-vendor and single vendor stores.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use the plugin for single-vendor stores (without FES plugin installed)?
Currently, this plugin only works with EDD FES Plugin installed.
Can I connect subscribe new registrations also to other email marketing software other than Mailchimp?
Not at the moment, but contact us for a custom offer.
Will vendors get the email address of people they will be contacted?
Yes, as the request is directed towards the vendors.
Where will the button be placed on the product page?
The button comes in form of a widget or shortcode. You can place those two elements wherever you like.
I would like to change the wording of messages, types of requests, etc.. How can I do this?
The admin can simply change the labels in the settings menu and you can also change the texts for all email templates.
Get your EDD Requests Plugin now!
Single Site License
3 Sites License
10 Sites License
Plugin Meta Data
- Current Version: 2.3.54
- WordPress: Tested up to Version 5.8
- Easy Digital Downloads: Tested up to Version
Version 2.3.54 (October 24, 2024)
- Fix: General Database and Performance Improvements.
Version 2.3.53 (June 14, 2024)
- Enhancement: Hook for Email Validation Plugin (so that the email address on the registration form can be validated by using Email Validation Plugin).
- Fix: Vendor Contact Form character count is now upwards.
Version 2.3.51 (January 26, 2024)
- New: Introduced the Email Account Integration, enabling direct email exchanges while securely storing all correspondence on the server.
- New: Added a Customer Requests Page where they can track and manage all Requests Sent, as well as reply to the vendor on the same requests popup.
- New: Added a Promotional Services section for vendors to promote their products and services on the Contact Vendor Popup.
- New: Added an Internal Note Feature
- New: Added a Search by ID Filter on the Requests Page to easily locate requests from customers.
- Enhancement: Improved the Licensing Feature for Site Administrators to easily manage each Request received by vendors.
- Enhancement: Improved and Organized the Requests List, Settings, and Email Templates.
- Enhancement: Other General Improvements
- Enhancement: WordPress Coding Standards Compliance
Version (December 06, 2023)
- Fix: Incorrect Plugin Version Update Message on the WP-Admin Plugins Page.
Version 2.3.16 (December 27, 2022)
- New: Added compatibility with Nextend Social Login Plugin
Version 2.3.11 (January 20, 2022)
- Enhancement: Added a section to upload attachments within the bulk action popup on the Requests List Page
- Enhancement: Changed the Login and Register tabs to use half-width on the Vendor Contact Form
- Enhancement: Assets file structure better organized
- Enhancement: Added separated third-party libraries for assets files
- Enhancement: Created the minified file version for CSS and JS files
- Enhancement: Removed unused assets files
- Enhancement: Added the select2 library for the select filters on Requests List page
- Enhancement: Added new setting Remove Data on Uninstall on the Settings Page to delete the data of the plugin including data stored on the edd_requests, edd_requests_docs and edd_requests_replies database tables
- Fix: Changed the download/vendor URL for the Description column on the Requests List Page
- Fix: Downloading attachments in a reply that contains multiple attachments was not working correctly
- Fix: Added the source code to register and enqueue the Datepicker scripts and styles for the Vendor Dashboard Requests page
- Fix: Removed the session_write_close function call – this previous fix for session had cart/checkout side effects
- Fix: Removed session_start function call because EDD already starts it
- Fix: Changed the type of PageUrl column of edd_requests database table from varchar to text to avoid problems with character limits
- Fix: Text search was fixed on the Requests List page
- Fix: JavaScript error on admin pages related to the $maxlength PHP variable
- Fix: Issue from WP Site Health Status – An Active PHP session was detected
- Fix: General bug fixes
- Fix: General bug fixes
Version 2.3.4 (September 11, 2021)
- Fix: Field validation conflict with Frontend Submission Plugin (FES)
Version 2.3.3 (September 07, 2021)
- Enhancement: Removed unused Popper JS library
Version 2.3.2 (September 06, 2021)
- Enhancement: Removed unused source code that can conflict with themes and plugins
Version 2.3.1 (August 28, 2021)
- Fix: Recaptcha validation for register tab of contact vendor button which in some cases created problems
Version 2.3.0 (June 23, 2021)
- Enhancement: Changed the source code for compliance with EDD Version 3 but still keeping the compatibility with EDD Version 2
- Enhancement: Added links to notice messages
- Performed several tests for compliance with EDD Version 3
- Performed several tests to reassure the compatibility with EDD Version 2
- Fix: General bug fixes
Version 2.2.0 (Dec 10, 2020)
- Term & Condition Checkboxes and Texts made more flexible and adaptive to different setups
- Mobile view enhancement of the Request Page in the Vendor Dashboard
- Bug fixed related to text in the Email Reply from Vendor
- Further Bug Fixes & Small Improvements
- Email Template Updated
- Request Form bug fix
- Fix: Admin Dashboard Filter issue solved
- Fix: Admin Dashboard Reply popup issue solved for single vendor store
Version 2.1.3 (Oct 8, 2020)
- Fix: PHP Deprecated
- Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined variable
- Fix: Javascript error
Version 2.1.2 (Oct 7, 2020)
- Enhanced Admin Request List
Version 2.1.1 (Oct 6, 2020)
- Resolved Javascript conflict
- Small bug fix.
Version 2.1 (Sept 29, 2020)
- Enhanced UI for the admin request replies list
- Admin Request Filter bug Fix.
Version 2.0 (Sept 10, 2020)
- Download attachment bug fixed.
- Vendor Dashboard Requests list sorting bug fixed.
- Request popup enhancement.
- Reply Confirmation to Vendor Email template update.
- Several other small bug fixes
Version 1.0.9 (July 28, 2020)
- Email Template updated for single vendor store
- Setting Page updated
- Enhanced Vendor Dashboard UI
Version 1.0.8 (July 21, 2020)
- Download All button includes all files from request and replies.
- Bug fix when FES is not installed
- Introduced Manually mark as replied or unreplied
- Correct UI related bugs
- Introduced filters on vendor dashboard request page
Version 1.0.4 (April 18, 2020)
- Enhanced settings page
- Updated UI of Requests list page in Vendor Dashboard
- Introduced Download All button for the attachments
- Fixed several bugs to keep plugin clean
- Fixed warnings and error notices in PHP error log
Version 1.0.3 (March 10, 2020)
- Compatible for EDD single vendor store (Without FES installed)
- Admin can reply any incoming request for EDD single vendor store
Version 1.0.2 (February 27, 2020)
- Fixed several bugs and notices
- Admin can see the reply of vendor
Version 1.0.1 (February 14, 2020)
- Fixed Reply pop up issue
- Introduced new filters in request list page of the admin
Version 1.0.0 (December 31, 2019)
- Initial release
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